Alright, so let me just say that I think people with nautical star tattoo's are gay. I really think that if I'm going to have something on my body pretty much until I'm worm chow, It has to mean something. I always romanticized that my first tattoo would be my favorite song from the band Bayside. The song is called Landing Feet First, and it's always had some sort of meaning for me. In the song, the lyrics go as follows: "If our world falls down tomorrow, you be sure I'll be there with a net, to catch the pieces falling." Later on in the song these lyrics also mean a lot to me: "Imagine what it'd be like if the ocean poured in from both of the coasts and we set sail to find out, just were our boat would go. But I don't that I'd want to know, 'cause it would just make time so I can see your smile with our brand new life in tow." OBVIOUSLY I'm not going to get that long ass lyric tattooed on me, so I started brainstorming on how to make these lyrics tangible. Well, sure enough, being unemployed has it's perks so I drew this bad boy:

Not too shabby right? Pretty much drew a guy being held tightly by a girl. They're on a boat surrounded by waves (I know my waves look like flames or spikes, I'm not an artist lol)and the guy is holding a net catching the pieces from the crumbling world. Pretty G right? I know. I'd probably get it as a half sleeve. Here's what I'd want the waves to look like:

I've always had a thing for the Japanese style of tattoos, whether it be Geishas, Koi Fish, or waves such as those. I wouldn't want them that high, but I def like the color and the style, as well as the Lotus flowers at the bottom. Let me know what you guys think!
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