If you would have approached me on the streets four months ago and said "Hey Fabian, where do you think you'll be living in four months?", I woulda been like "Hey -insert name here-, NOT Utah!" Sure enough, four months later, I'm living in Utah. Strange how life works isn't it? Not so much how it works, but how it tends to just not give a fuck about you or your plans. Let me rewind a bit here. I moved back home to Mesquite from Reno in high hopes of landing a gig at this pretty legit restaurant in Vegas. My sister had setup interviews for me in a number of other high profile places as well. I interviewed my little heart out, but to no avail. With the passing of time, I became more frustrated at the fact that I wasn't getting hired at any of these places. Did I say the wrong thing? Did I do my hair the wrong way? Was there something in my teeth? Did I silently pass gas? I was pissed off, man! Theoretically, I could have stayed in Mesquite until I found a job, but lets face it, living with your parents at 22 is fucking lame. I started weighing my options.
A)Stay in Mesquite until I found a job and a place to live in Vegas, then move accordingly.
B)Stay in Mesquite. Like...to live there. (Why is this even an option?)
C)Move to Vegas, jobless, and wing it.
Z)Move to Utah.
I was growing increasingly frustrated with my situation as a whole. Living with my parents, jobless, at 22. They say that everything happens for a reason right? I mean, if Chili's wouldn't have laid me off, I'd still be in Reno. I'd be going to school, living with awesome people, having the time of my life. I can see where life would be like, "Nah, fuck that. Let's move this kid back to Mesquite, just for shits and gigs." Totally. So, Jake and I had been in contact since his departure to Utah and he kept harassing me about making the trip up to Ogden to visit him. I figured I might as well, seeing as I had no job and would be making the trip on Nevada's dime. (God bless you, unemployment!) I get here and I'm pretty impressed. The weather is fantastic. The women (for the most part) are good looking. Long story short, in the three weeks that I stayed in Utah, it grew on me. Next thing I know, I'm packing up my shit and moving here. I've made some stupid choices in my life. Quite arguably, some REALLY stupid choices. The thing is though, that all of those stupid choices have led me here. This is normally the part where one would say "It's the next chapter in my life and I hope it's good blah blah blah", but I'm going to say fuck that. I say evolve. I'm going to make the most of my time here. I'm going to grab Utah by the throat and hump it into submission. I'm going to make this chapter legit. Why? Because I'm Fabian. Hey Utah, I'm here to fuck shit up. Lets do this.
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