Why haven't our top scientists invented Auto Pilot for vehicles? I mean, seriously. Have you ever stolen a bottle of alcohol and tried removing the anti theft device? It's insanely difficult. Get the inventors of that to make an auto pilot. Those people seriously need to be finding a cure for cancer or something. It took 8 drunk guys 45 mins of torching (yes, with fire), poking, prying, pulling, and anything else you could imagine to get this thing off. But just imagine the auto pilot for a sec. Pop that shit on and take a nap? Watch a movie? Hell, maybe even play xbox or read! As I write this, I've been cooped up in a vehicle for the past 7 hours with nothing to keep me entertained except my ipod and me talking to myself. You don't get it, I must be insane because I literally had a full 2 hour conversation with myself. About NOTHING....like it was NORMAL. It went a little like this:
Me thinking out loud: "Damn, it's such a great day out today. Why the fuck did I have to be stuck driving?!"
Me responding to the vocalized thought: "Well Fabian, because you have to move to Las Vegas and get your life back on track, duh."
Me responding to the response: "Fuck you."
That. For 2 hours. That's creeper status dude. Like, closet-full-of-skin-sombreros-wearing-a-woman's-bathrobe-while-wearing-tons-of-make-up creepy. On a positive note, I'm finally in Las Vegas again! Hooray! -insert fanfare here-. I must admit, I do get a little misty-eyed thinking about my friends and the amazing summer I could be having up in Reno, you know, where it won't be hotter than the sun this summer. I did a lot of that on the way down here too. Reminiscing. Remembering all those times me and Brady would get ridiculously baked and play Alive by Pearl Jam, watch the History / Discovery channel at 2 am and talking about space / aliens / life for hours, or all of us swapping our tales of drunken revelry. My roommates were both in a frat, Alpha Tau Omega to be exact, so the stories of blackout drunkenness, trading
belt hits, and hooking up with random girls were always fun to hear and very abundant. They would share their stories of having sex with random girls who were rather promiscuous, appropriately dubbed "Tau-Hoes". Like the lake, get it? Clever right? I'm going to miss our fun times bullshitting, making fun of each other for stupid shit we'd done. Like Bobby for sleeping with a black girl(Not racist, just funny. You'd need to know Bobby to think it's funny.) Brady for being a little short. Brett for having sex with a 40 year old lady in the rain. Shit like that, lol. I'm going to miss going down to The Flowing Tide (our frequent bar) and playing pool even though none of us were really that good. I may have only lived in Reno for about 9 months, and known most of my friends for about 6, but I forged a strong bond with all of them. It's insane to me that we all grew pretty close in such a short time. (No homo. Well, maybe. Just kidding.) I recall writing in a previous blog that my life's chapter labeled "Reno" was coming to a close, but I think I will have to formally retract that statement. It's not over, I'm just gonna throw an ellipsis at the end of it. I'll go back, for sure. To be honest, I really just wanted to use the word "ellipsis" in a sentence. So now, as I sit in this parking lot, sipping on my one true vice (Taro flavored Snow Ice, with boba!), trying to steal internet from like 20 different wireless connections, I can truly take everything in for what it is and say that I'm feeling mixed emotions. It's very bittersweet. I guess I'm supposed to learn from this experience and grow as a person, but fuck man, I kinda miss Reno already. I know that as far as job opportunities go, Vegas > Reno. I like free money as much as the next person...I mean, working for the state of Nevada, but I really just want to start working again. Start going to school again. And I know that I'm going to make new friends here, and that the world keeps spinning, but as cool as Vegas is, it doesn't have a river in which drunk people lazily drift on running down its center! So to all you Reno people that may be reading this, I love you and I'm gonna miss you. Have a helluva summer. Grill a chicken breast, drink a Blue Moon, and enjoy life. As for me? It's time to make that money!
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